Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning : Upright and Reversed - Tarot Insiders (2024)

Ever wondered what the Six of Wands tarot card means? Whether it’s upright or reversed, it’s got a story to tell. This card, part of the Minor Arcana, is rich in symbolism and can provide insight into your life’s journey.

1Overview of “Six of Wands” in Tarot

2Key Themes and Concepts

3The Symbolism of the Six of Wands

4Detailed Imagery Description

5Symbolic Meanings and Interpretations

6Meaning of Upright Six of Wands

7Upright Six of Wands in Love and Relationships

8Upright Six of Wands in Career and Finances

9Upright Six of Wands in Health and Wellness

10Upright Six of Wands in Personal and Spiritual Growth

12Reversed Six of Wands in Love and Relationships

13Reversed Six of Wands in Career and Finances

14Reversed Six of Wands in Health and Wellness

15Reversed Six of Wands in Personal and Spiritual Growth

16Six of Wands in Tarot Readings

17How to Interpret Six of Wands in Different Contexts

18Combining Six of Wands with Other Cards

19Conclusion: Reflecting on the Six of Wands

In this article, you’ll dive deep into the meaning of the Six of Wands. We’ll explore its upright interpretation, which often signifies success, recognition, and victory. But that’s not all. We’ll also flip the card to its reversed position, revealing a different, equally intriguing narrative.

Upright Six of Wands:

VictoryRepresents triumph, success, and achieving goals.
RecognitionSignifies receiving acknowledgment and praise.
ConfidenceIndicates self-assurance and a sense of accomplishment.
Public acclaimSuggests public recognition and admiration.
PrideReflects a well-deserved sense of pride and honor.

Reversed Six of Wands:

SetbacksSuggests obstacles or failures in achieving recognition.
Ego checkIndicates the need to humble oneself and avoid arrogance.
Lack of recognitionMay point to feeling unnoticed or unappreciated.
OverconfidenceWarns against excessive pride or self-importance.
HumbledEncourages learning from setbacks and being more modest.

Overview of “Six of Wands” in Tarot

When you pull the Six of Wands from your tarot deck, it stands as a symbol of achievement after great strife. It’s a card of triumph, showing that you’ve not only faced your adversities but prevailed over them.

This card holds a proud young man on top of ahorseback, wreath of victory in one hand and the wand in the other. A crowd is cheering him on, recognizing and applauding his successes. This imagery is symbolic of public acknowledgment of your accomplishments, and it’s a reminder that your hard work does not go unseen.

Delving into the card’s deeper messaging, it calls you to embody the energy of the victor. It bids you to harness self-confidence, persistence, and drive in order to see your plans through to the end. The Six of Wands encourages you not to rest on your laurels but to keep pushing forward till victory is assured.

On the flip side, the reversed Six of Wands tells a different story. Rather than victory, it warns of possible setbacks and delays. There may be hidden issues threatening to topple your achievements and it reminds you to prepare for potential challenges on your path to success.

However, the reversed Six of Wands is not entirely doom and gloom. It carries with it the idea of resilience, asking you to regroup, rethink your strategy, and come back stronger. It’s a wake-up call to evaluate your actions and correct course if necessary. The reversed card’s cloud does certainly have a silver lining if only you look deeply enough.

Key Themes and Concepts

Let’s dive deeper into the Six of Wands tarot card meanings to better understand how its themes resonate in your life.

One of the core themes of the Six of Wands is achievement. When this card appears upright, it’s loud and clear that you’ve reached a milestone. It’s about celebrating your accomplishments and basking in the light of recognition.

Another key concept embodied by the Six of Wands tarot card is victory. If you’ve been battling a particular problem, this card indicates that you’re coming out on top. It’s a symbol of triumph, not just over small hurdles but significant challenges.

The Six of Wands also speaks about recognition. All your hard work is being noticed. It’s a pat on the back from the universe, acknowledging that your efforts are not in vain. This card serves as a reminder that good work never goes unnoticed.

In its reversed position, this card sticks to its main themes but with a slightly different flavor. The reversed Six of Wands warns of potential setbacks and delays. Even though this might seem negative, it’s not all doom and gloom; on the contrary, it’s an opportunity. It’s a call to tap into your resilience, learn from the circ*mstances, regroup, and bounce back stronger and wiser.

The power of these themes and concepts lies in their real-world applications. The Six of Wands tarot card nudges you to acknowledge your achievements, keep pushing forward to victory, and harness your resilience during tough times. And remember, the interpretation of the Six of Wands is not set in stone; it’s essential to trust your intuition and personal experiences when interpreting this tarot card. Let these key themes be a guide to your journey through the fascinating world of tarot.

The Symbolism of the Six of Wands

You may be wondering what the intricate design on the Six of Wands tarot card represents. Delving into the symbolism on this card can help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of its messages.

Detailed Imagery Description

When you first look at the Six of Wands, you notice a man on horseback. He’s holding a wand adorned with a wreath and is surrounded by five other wands. It’s an image imbued with significance and hidden meanings.

The man on the card is dressed in a vibrant red cloak – symbolizing his passion and determination. His horse, a creature symbolic of strength and power, stands tall and unafraid, suggesting that great energy and persistence have led to current achievements.

The crowd of people surrounding him signifies that his accomplishments are being recognized by others. This image showcases the importance of recognition and public acclaim in the journey of success.

Symbolic Meanings and Interpretations

The wand held by the man is more than just a wand. It’s adorned with a wreath, a powerful symbol of victory and achievement in many cultures. The wreath on the wand indicates success and recognition for hard work.

Moreover, there are five other wands around him – these could symbolize the challenges and obstacles that were overcome to reach the current state of victory. Each wand represents a different phase or struggle, further emphasizing triumph’s sweetness after difficulty.

Delving deeper, the number ‘six’ itself in the tarot also bears meaning. It’s a number often associated with harmony, balance, and sincere love. So in conjunction with the Six of Wands, it heralds not only tangible success but also emotional satisfaction and an overall balance in life.

The symbolism of the Six of Wands tarot card extends way beyond its surface imagery. Each motif, each color, each number has a purpose and message for you. Uncovering these hidden meanings can help you unlock deeper insights and guidance from this card, enhancing your tarot reading proficiency.

Meaning of Upright Six of Wands

Upright Six of Wands in Love and Relationships

When it comes to the domain of love and relationships, the Upright Six of Wands suggests a time of harmony, respect, and mutual admiration. If you’re in a relationship, it may indicate that your bond is strong, balanced, and well-respected by those around you. The horse in the card not only manifests endurance, but also the power of moving together as a team with your partner. The energy of this card is about appreciating the love that you share and understanding its worth.

Upright Six of Wands in Career and Finances

In terms of career and finances, the Upright Six of Wands signifies a period of recognition and acceptance. You’ve put in the work, shown your passion, and now it’s time for your efforts to be acknowledged. This card points to positive outcomes – you might see promotions, salary hikes, or other forms of professional appreciation coming your way. When drawn in a financial context, it suggests that you’re competent in managing your resources and your financial health is perhaps stronger than ever.

Upright Six of Wands in Health and Wellness

Drawing the Upright Six of Wands in a health and wellness context generally signals a time of strength, vitality, and well-being. This might refer to the successful overcoming of an illness or a time of particularly high energy. Remember, the victory wreath on the wand emphasizes triumph, which can transcend into you winning over diseases or wellness challenges you’ve been battling.

Upright Six of Wands in Personal and Spiritual Growth

Regarding personal and spiritual growth, the Upright Six of Wands encourages you to revel in your personal triumphs. It asks you to feel proud of your spiritual progress and to use that pride as a foundation for further development. It can indicate that you’re in the process of achieving a significant milestone or are about to embark on a new spiritual journey filled with growth and learning. The symbolism of the ‘six’ and the wands implies a lot of potentials; you’ve only got to channel it the right way. On this journey embrace the victories, rely on your existing strengths, and continue growing.

Meaning of Reversed Six of Wands

Switch gears now and consider the reversed Six of Wands tarot card. When flipped, its meanings can shift dramatically. Let’s delve into the significance this card could have for various areas of your life.

Reversed Six of Wands in Love and Relationships

In love and relationships, the reversed Six of Wands could spell a different scenario. You may be experiencing obstacles, setbacks, or misunderstandings. It’s important not to despair. This card suggests that these issues are temporary and can be overcome with effective communication and compassion. Remember this Tarot card in reverse is about triumphing after trials and tribulations.

Reversed Six of Wands in Career and Finances

As for career and finances, the reversed Six of Wands may indicate a period of struggle. You might face challenges in your professional life or encounter financial difficulty. While you may feel that recognition or progress is hard to come by, this card advises you to persevere. The rewards of resilience, as suggested by the reversed Six of Wands, could lead to success in the future.

Reversed Six of Wands in Health and Wellness

The reversed Six of Wands in the health and wellness context can be a wake-up call. You may need to take more care of your physical health or manage your mental well-being better. It’s not a definitive cause for concern, but rather a gentle nudge. This card’s reversal is urging you to pay better attention to your health habits.

Reversed Six of Wands in Personal and Spiritual Growth

Regarding personal and spiritual growth, the reversed Six of Wands inspires introspection. It’s a call to evaluate your current path. If you feel like you’re not progressing, sit with that feeling, explore its origins, and redirect your energy as needed. This reversed card sends the message to trust the process because personal growth often includes moments of doubt and stagnation. These are merely stages in the long road to self-discovery.

Six of Wands in Tarot Readings

As a tarot practitioner, you’ll find that the Six of Wands is a card bearing considerable symbolic weight. Yet, this card’s meanings can vary greatly based on its surroundings within a spread and particular aspects of the querent’s life being considered. To help you navigate these nuances, we’ve elaborated on two key points to consider – how to interpret the Six of Wands in different contexts and the impact of combining the Six of Wands with other cards.

How to Interpret Six of Wands in Different Contexts

When drawing the Six of Wands, it’s crucial to consider the overall context. Tarot readings always incorporate aspects such as the querent’s question, the spread used, and the overall energy of the reading.

For instance, in a relationship-focused reading, the upright Six of Wands speaks to triumph and celebration – a signal that a partnership is on the right track. Reversed, you’ll want to advise your client about potential setbacks or hurdles to overcome.

Alternatively, in career-based spreads, the upright card can denote promotion, recognition, or a well-deserved triumph over a challenging project. Meanwhile, a reversed Six of Wands flags up a need for resilience during struggles or possible delays in anticipated success.

Combining Six of Wands with Other Cards

Adding another layer of complexity, the Six of Wands, when paired with other cards, can provide a deeper understanding of the situation.

When drawing the Six of Wands near The Chariot, it’s a potent combination signaling strong momentum and the necessity of harnessing one’s willpower. If, however, you’ve drawn the Six of Wands with The Tower in your spread, it could denote an unexpected shift – a victory may go sour, or a setback might open the door to an unforeseen opportunity.

Thoughtful consideration of the Six of Wands in different contexts, alongside careful interpretation of the card’s interaction with others in the spread, allows a nuanced and meaningful reading. Rather than fearing the complexity, embrace it. Through it, you’ll find deeper connections, richer interpretations, and a truly dynamic tarot practice.

Conclusion: Reflecting on the Six of Wands

So, you’ve delved into the rich symbolism of the Six of Wands. You’ve seen how its upright position symbolizes triumph in relationships and career advancements. Conversely, its reversed position warns of potential challenges. It’s clear that the card’s meaning is not set in stone. Instead, it’s shaped by its interaction with other cards in the reading.

Remember, tarot is a complex tool for self-reflection. It’s not about predicting the future, but understanding your current situation. Embrace this complexity. Let it guide you towards a more profound understanding of yourself and your circ*mstances. The Six of Wands is just one piece of the puzzle. It’s up to you to put all the pieces together. And when you do, you’ll realize the power of tarot and its ability to illuminate your path.

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Major ArcanaCards
The FoolThe Magician
The High PriestessThe Empress
The EmperorThe Hierophant
The LoversThe Chariot
StrengthThe Hermit
Wheel of FortuneJustice
The Hanged ManDeath
TemperanceThe Devil
The TowerThe Star
The MoonThe Sun
JudgementThe World

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Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning : Upright and Reversed - Tarot Insiders (2024)


Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning : Upright and Reversed - Tarot Insiders? ›

It represents triumph, success, and recognition for your hard work and achievements. When this card appears in a reading, it signifies that you are on the path to victory, and others are taking notice of your accomplishments.

What is the warning of the Six of Wands? ›

Six of wands reversed is not a good sign for a healthy tarot reading as it can be interpreted as degrading health, both physically and mentally. This card should be taken as a warning that some old wounds are going to bother you again.

What does the Six of Wands advice? ›

Six of Wands Advice Position

Continue to articulate and define yourself in light of the torch you are carrying. This inspires others to conceive some new ideas of their own. You may find yourself becoming something of a leader.

What is the 6 of wands love outcome? ›

If you are asking about what is the outcome of a relationship, and you draw the Six of Wands, that means that your person feels like they're on top of the world when they're with you. The Six of Wands card is astrologically associated with Jupiter in Leo. This is a proud, boisterous energy.

What is the Six of Wands communication? ›

by Fiona. The communication between you and others improves. You may find that your dealings with others and transactions in general are much calmer and more pleasant all round.

What does the Six of Wands in reverse mean? ›

When the Six of Wands appears in reverse, it suggests a temporary setback or a lack of recognition for your achievements. You may feel disappointed or discouraged because your efforts have not been acknowledged or rewarded as you had hoped.

How does someone feel with the Six of Wands? ›

If you are asking how someone feels about you, the Six of Wands can indicate they admire you. They might be impressed by you or put you on a pedestal. They may feel a sense of pride having you on their arm as you make them feel special and admired.

What is the Six of Wands energy? ›

The Six of Wands shows a person who is very successful and is being honored for something. Wands energy is the beginning of something exciting, and the six shows someone acting on that energy.

Is the Six of Wands a yes or no? ›

The 6 of Wands in a 'yes or no' tarot reading typically signifies 'yes', forecasting victory and recognition. It suggests that your efforts will be celebrated and your goals achieved.

What is the timing of the Six of Wands? ›

Timing: The Six of Wands is related to an important thought that is turned into action. This event may occur in the next days or weeks to come.

What do wands represent in tarot? ›

The cards of this suit also evoke the wide-eyed optimism of youth and the basic driving force of life. The meanings of the Wands Tarot cards deal with the spiritual level of consciousness and mirror what is important to you at the core of your being.

What does the 6 tarot card mean in love? ›

6. THE LOVERS. —Attraction, love, beauty, trials overcome. Reversed: Failure, foolish designs.

What is the meaning of 6 in love? ›

One numerological meaning of 6 is to take care of loved ones. The number 6 is remarkable because it represents care and love. Sixes are excessively protective of their close group and always ready to be strong. These folks should help. In many aspects of life, 6 Numerology people make great partners.

What is the Six of Wands in astrology? ›

Six of Wands Meaning

This is a position where people unite to follow their one, true leader, a person courageous and charismatic enough to inspire and pour their own life into others. It shows us as victorious, celebrating successes we have managed to make after all those challenges presented by the Five of Wands.

What is the 6 of wands reversed health? ›

In a health Tarot reading, the Six of Wands reversed can indicate poor health or a relapse of an illness or disease or success that you had been given the all clear on. It can also represent a disappointing return to sports or fitness after an injury or an injury caused by a fall.

How do I contact six wands? ›

Contact us today via our online contact form or by calling 0121 289 2080.

Is the Six of Swords good or bad? ›

In a yes or no tarot reading, the Six of Swords suggests a positive outcome. It signifies progress, healing, and moving forward in the right direction.

Are wands in Tarot fire Signs? ›

The negative aspects of the Suit of Wands include illusion, egotistical behaviour, impulsiveness, a lack of direction or purpose, or a perception of meaninglessness. Wands cards often represent the astrological signs of Fire: Leo, Sagittarius and Aries.

Is the 6 of wands a yes or no? ›

The 6 of Wands in a 'yes or no' tarot reading typically signifies 'yes', forecasting victory and recognition. It suggests that your efforts will be celebrated and your goals achieved.

What do wands indicate? ›

Wands represent ideas and innovation, and an entrepreneurial spirit. They are often related to your career or your sense of purpose in the world, but because of their connection to charm and desire, they can deliver strong love guidance, too.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.