Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 18, 2024 (2024)

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update asof May 18, 2024

Judy Note: Soon, during a Global Financial crash andfake Nuclear Standoff, Martial Lawwill be declared across hundreds of cities, followed by a three to ten dayBlackout when the Quantum Financial System will be rolled out to all throughRedemption Centers – all to be announced and coordinated on the new StarlinkSatellite System that communicates through cellular phones.

Meanwhile the Global Military Alliance willcontinue to make Mass Arrests, hold Military Tribunals and execute those whohave committed Treason against We The People.

·EBS Alert!!! Martial Law Declared Across Hundreds of U.S.Cities! 10-Day Blackout, GITMO’s Secret Tribunals and the Rollout of RedemptionCenters & Quantum Financial Cards! …Q

·Fri. 17 May 2024 Texas Blackout: Emergency Power Grid Destroyed in Texas.Over a million without power.


·Fri. 17 May 2024 Emergency Alert Terror at USMilitary Base, Marines on High Alert:

·Fri. 17 May 2024 Situation Update FakeNuclear Standoff Alert Biden Puts Soldiers in Major Cities:

·Fri. 17 May 2024 Banks Collapsing:

·RFK Jr. has declared that the COVID-19 viruswas deliberately created!

·CIA, Hollywood and the Epstein files expose deep ties between Hollywood'spedophilia, the Satanic Child Sex Trade, Biden laptop revelations and Congress.

·JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon (and the Cabal) are now under "White Hat" Militaryjurisdiction for Crimes Against Humanity.

·The Revolution of 2024: We must be ready to confront the darkchapters of imminent world collapse, Martial Law and being on the verge ofCivil War Events. The citizens of the United States were the last strongholdagainst the CABAL's grip.

·Q started with President John F. Kennedy.

·Thurs. 16 May 2024 Situation Update MilitaryReady for Black Sky Event, Cuban Banking System Collapse, Israel Declares UN aTerrorist Organization:

·Fri. 17 May 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington Bombshell Report: EBS Alert!!! Martial LawDeclared Across Hundreds of U.S. Cities! GITMO’s Secret Tribunals! Justice IsComing! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 17 May 2024 -

·Fri. 17 May 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: EBS Alert!Martial Law Declared Across Hundreds of U.S. Cities! 10 Day Blackout, GITMO’sSecret Tribunals. Special Intel Report 5/17/24

·Fri. 17 May 2024 Situation Update: Situation Update: "US Military Ready ForBlack-Sky Event!" Cuban Banking System Has Collapsed! Russia Expels"British Military Attache!" From Russian Territory! Israel DeclaresUN A Terrorist Org!

A. Global Currency Reset:

·Fri. 17 May Texas Snake: “Word is to stay alert tonight intotomorrow. God only knows for sure.”

·Thurs. 16 May Bruce: On Wed. 15 May one of the top people at Wells Fargo Banksaid, “It looked good for a Shotgun Start in the next two days.”We may get the R&R (Restitution Allowances)beginning on the 4th Wed. ofMay, or by the end of May.

·Fri. 17 May 2024 Wolverine: “Very silent today, not oneounce of intel, but what I did receive last night from a friend who hascontacts in Brazil, a person who is very polished and professional person(speaks four languages fluently. He said he was waiting for his group who werewaiting at the bank for long hours. I got back to him later, nighttime my time,and morning for him, and he said he had no new updates. Then hours later, hecame back with an audio, and he gave me 1000 percent confirmation that thosepeople got their blessings. Most people in Brazil are not hearing anything,they are saying no liquidity from anywhere. In my own thoughts, I think it ishappening behind the scenes. As I said before, they are paying sporadically andthey sign NDAs, and will not say anything. I think that is what is happening,this person is a good friend of mine, who tells the truth. They put the audioon the dragon family group, but I did not translate it, and they actuallypicked someone who spoke Spanish, and they translate it. That was the best wayto go as I did not want the translation to come from me, that it came fromanother person. Tomorrow, they tell me we should be getting news. Hopefully, wewill get better news. The audio really hit me yesterday, as it was a 1000%confirmation, and it will continue on to two other cities in Brazil on Monday.I did send it to someone else in Brazil who were very emotional hearing ithoped it was true. Not much that I can tell you. I have been told that Iraq(sick of Iraq ) on Sunday, they should be able to put the rate on Forex. Wewill see if it true or not. Do not listen to TNT. I am tired of hearing theirmisinformation. Another thing came through on audio, saying that the Pope isgoing to make an announcement about all these apparitions, and will say thereis no such thing as God. I have felt that this Pope might be the “Black Pope”(not a black person) but a guy who is not a genuine Christian, maybe anantichrist himself. This was what is told on the audio. I talked to Chasyesterday, sorry about the rumble video, I thought it was special showregarding the person that was to divulge all, but he will live stream on rumbleof all people getting arrested on his show. He will let me know when it happensand it will be on his newsfeed. That will be huge. All is coming down. I thinkby the end of this month, Byedon will be removed and hopefully the truth doescome out. Notifications were to come last night, that is what I was told,again, no notifications. Very stressful for all of us. Notifications is ourannouncement and then I can release the opera for you. This is my personalopinion - there might not be an announcement. Now a certain person said thatstatement was true. BUT, it was MY Opinion (saying there might not be anannouncement). I think we may get paid sporadically, and lots going on behindthe scenes. I have heard of people getting paid, and I do not know thosepeople, but I do know the person in the audio. It might be that people getpaid, they sign their NDA and they stay quiet. Good for our safety in IMO. Ithink that is the way it is going to be, and a lot of bond holders agree thatit might be the way to go, quietly. A lot silence and not much noise comingout. We will see what happens. I am sure we will get some good news. Somepeople say it may happen till end of May, or the fifth of June, I will notdebate this, as I do not know we will see what happens . Let us see what happenlater. I heard from contact in Reno that things should develop on the weekendBUT no confirmation on that, but that is what he said. So we wait and see, I amtired of this, it has been very difficult, never thought I would do this for solong. God bless you, let’s hope and pray that later we will get the news we areall waiting on. Take Care, Wolverine.”

B. Global Financial Crisis:

·President of the Federal Reserve Bank ofMinneapolis, Neel Kashkari,admits that CBDCs don't solve any actual problems other than enabling centralbankers to monitor all transactions and deduct taxes directly from people'saccounts. "I keep asking anybody, at the Fed or outside of the Fed, toexplain to me what problem this is solving... I can see why China would do it.If they want to monitor every one of your transactions, you could do that witha central bank digital currency. If you want to directly tax customer accounts,you could do that with a central bank digital currency. So I get why Chinawould be interested. Why would the American people be for that?"

·Fri. 17 May 2024 Banks, US Stock Market AboutTo Be Devastated By Black Swan Event:

·Fri. 17 May 2024: IMF Confirms US Dollar Is in Jeopardy

C. Restored Republic:

·Thurs. 16 May 2024: BREAKING: Thomas Massie: “I just introduced“End the Fed” – Title: Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act, HR 8421” – TheFederal Reserve is Public Enemy Number One!

·Thurs. 16 May 2024 Situation Update: Situation Update: "US Military ReadyFor Black-Sky Event!" Cuban Banking System Has Collapsed! Russia Expels"British Military Attache!" From Russian Territory! Israel DeclaresUN A Terrorist Org!

·Fri. 17 May 2024: ALERT! The Alaskan Mega FEMA Camp for 2Million Patriots: America’s Imminent Descent into a Police State – Walmart’sSecret Underground Tunnels and the Expanding FEMA Camp Network Exposed

·Fri. 17 May 2024: Just In: George Soros Spending $80 Millionon Groups Pushing Social Media Censorship Before 2024 Election

·Fri. 17 May 2024: Operation Freedom Earth: The QFS SatelliteSystem & GCR Revolution – Paving the Way to a Permanent GESARA Golden Age

·Fri. 17 May 2024: Martial Law and Civil War on the Horizon:Ground Command Declares Global Martial Law – The Red States vs. Blue StatesDivide

·Fri. 17 May 2024: BOOM! The GITMO New List: Those Who BetrayedThe United States of America – Insurrection Act, Treason Cases, MilitaryTribunals – Where They Go One, They Go All!

D. The Real News for Fri. 17 May 2024:

·Fri. 17 May 2024 BREAKING: At least 4 people confirmed dead after stormhits Houston, mayor's office says.

·Fri. 17 May 2024 NATO Admits War is Coming:

·Fri. 17 May 2024 Obama’s CIA asked foreign intelligence agencies toillegally spy on Trump associates.

·Fri. 17 May 2024 Secret Service ExplodesOvernight With Calls For Investigation:

·Fri. 17 May 2024: Interview With A CIA Agent On Afghanistan,EXPOSES Joe Biden Is Sending The Taliban “$40 million cash every week”

·Fri. 17 May 2024: Representative Thomas Massie announcestheintroduction of H.R. 8421, the Federal Reserve Board AbolitionAct,which would end the Federal Reserve. …Private Q Evidence on Telegram Fri. 17 May 2024

·Thurs. 16 May 2024 Spilling the Beans AboutWhat Trump Will Be Doing, Dr. Jan Halper:

·Fri. 17 May 2024 Kash Patel on the recentHouse testimony of Michael Cohen’s former lawyer: “What did Michael Cohen tell [DOJ]prosecutors, per Bob Costello’s testimony? ‘I have absolutely nothing on DonaldTrump.’He said Michael Cohen told the FBI the same exact thing in his presence.If you take that singular fact alone, there is no hush money. There is nodeal.”

·Fri. 17 May 2024: White Dragon SocietyResurrection, Ben Fulford:

·Fri. 17 May 2024: Proof aliens exist? Federal agencies must now deliver all UFOreports for public disclosure - including classified material by Oct. 20 2024.

·Fri. 17 May 2024: Italian and US intelligence havegiven testimony that the 2020 U.S. Electionwas stolen from President Donald Trump.

·Mike Pompeo: “I was the CIA Director. We lied, we cheated,we stole.” Following the revolutionary expose on the CIA by James O'Keefe,renewed interest in intelligence agencies has been observed as this Mike Pompeoclip began going viral on social media again: "When I was a cadet, what'sthe first - what's the cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, orsteal, or tolerate those who do? I was the CIA director - we lied, we cheated,we stole."

E. International Child SexTrafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican andhoused in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs betweenthe Vatican and Jerusalem:


·Thurs. 16 May 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Thousandsof Children Rescued, Mutilated Bodies Recovered, From Biden-Owned UkraineProperty Containing US Run Bio-Weapon Labs

·Fri. 17 May 2024: Whistleblower Says DemocratPolitician Ran A Dark Website For Pedophiles. If you want to know how truly evil the people we’redealing with are, you need to hear this: This is from Nathan Larson, Democratpolitician, ran for Congress, multiple times and ran a website for pedos todiscuss their dark intentions and fantasies. Here's the quote. Democrat NathanLarson is an admitted pedophile advocate who also was on trial for allegedlygrooming and kidnapping a 12-year-old girl.

F. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·Fri. 17 May 2024 Australia: The Australian government KNOWS the COVIDshots are killing people, and they are “deliberately suppressing doctors” fromreporting vaccine deaths. This allegation comes from Senator Malcolm Roberts.He says the government “can’t not know” about vaccine harms and that they are“killing people.”According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in2022, 174,717 deaths occurred, which is 22,886 (15.1%) more than the historicalaverage. This is what Roberts describes as the “pandemic of injections.”

·Fri. 17 May 2024: Barbara Oneill: We Clean the Liver, LoseWeight, Renew the Cells of the Body!

·Fri. 17 May 2024 REPORT: “There seems to be a concerted effort torewrite COVID vaccine history. While Chris Cuomo and Dr. Deborah Birx admitthat vaccine injuries exist, they push the idea that they’re “small.” Well,that’s not what data analyst Edward Dowd is seeing. His data suggests thatsince the vaccine rollout, America has seen: 1.1 million excess deaths. 4million people becoming disabled and 28.6 million vaccine-injured people areoften missing work due to chronic illness. “So, it’s about 33 million Americanshave been injured, disabled, or died from this vaccine in our estimate.” …JohnF. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram Fri. 17 May2024

·Fri. 17 May 2024 National Institute of HealthDirector Admits US Taxpayers Paid for Covid Gain of Function:

·Fri. 17 May 2024 CIA Mind Control: By 2030Nanobots Will Flow Through Our Bodies and Be Used to Connect our Brains toInternet:

·Fri. 17 May 2024:Japan's most senior cancer doctor calls theCovid shots murder and demands an investigation.”

G. Illuminati Deep State Kabal GlobalistAgenda:

·Former Threat Advisor to the White House, CIAand the Pentagon Jim Rickards has explained how project "Ice Nine" (which is code for the“Great Reset” or financial reset) is being readied by BlackRock and otherfinancial institutions to facilitate the New World Order (NOW).

H. Fri. 17 May 2024 White Hat Intel: SkyEvents 1,2

·Red Sky Event: Cheyenne Mountain Military Operations, USSFSpace X Starlink 5G Military Global Ops

·Blue Sky Event: Project Blue Beam Deep State OperationCounter Operation Measures = White Hat Operations

·Exposure hidden Military Technology, hidden Deep Dark Operations

·Near Death Civilization Event: We wereheading into a Nuclear Event (very near) and a global war (very near). These Events, plus the deathvaccines and pandemic combined with the near Civil Wars to erupt in Poland,Ukraine, Europe, US, Canada, UK, (Five Eyes Countries) Australia plus more.

·Now we stand at the brink of the Storm – a massive World Collapse andWorld War that will lead to massive revolts, revolutions and full exposure ofthe corrupt system that is running organized crime by the Globalist Elite whocontrol World Banks, CIA, Mossad, UN, NATO, WHO World Wars, Human Trafficking,Drug Operations and Worldwide Pedophilia Rings.

·It’s been a powerful eight year Storm since the moment the Military placed TRIUMPas President inside Global operations to take down the World Deep State SatanicCabal.

·You are watching a movie: a very important plan unfolded in real time.

·Trump placed Musk. Their silent fallout in 2017 was all a show.Trump feuding with certain people and making them opposition is a fake scenarioand planned... Just as Vivek Ramaswamy was ops, then United with Trump and nowTrump united with Desatis ( i said this was going to happen long ago and theirpublic fued was a show and Trump would absorb his followers..) .... I havegiven you alot of information years before hand off the events unfolding now.

·Near Death Civilization Event. NuclearStandoff. Blackouts. World Cyber Attacks. Collapse and rebuild after the Great Storm Operations of 2024. Trump will go after Putin and Xi,but it is all for show. They will unite for peace in 2025. Military Tribunals will take place and NATO investigationwill happen.

·This Event is for the World sleeping sheep. These EVENTS must happen so the REAL Israelipeople WILL fight the fake ZIONIST GLOBALIST control. So Europe WILL stand upand fight for their countries and sons from going to war and WILL lead toEXPOSURE of the governments and corruption. These revolts are going to hit all majorWestern countries as the people fight for their freedom.

·Only until then will Deep State governments, officials, banks, military, politicians andElites be arrested for their crimes, which included creating a World War andnear Nuclear Events.

·NASA was lying about operations past andpresent, including a flasedisclosure of a Sun Solar Event. There was a Solar Storm, but it was not asstrong as NASA, Mainstream Media and the White Hats were pushing.

·US Space Force USSF Cheyenne Mountain has already conducted RED SKY 2024 EVENTS months ago (but therefake news story on Red Sky 2024 operations in the Internet is a cover story).The real TRUTH is the recent Red Sky events in Poland. Ukraine and EuropeRussia was USSF using advanced technology to disable nuclear weapons and shutdown several military operations using Quantum computers and super advancedweapons systems through Europe that the Deep State was planning to use.

·The U.S. Air Force created weapons to makeNuclear Weapons obsolete anddisable them. As there is Darkness, there is Light and vise versa - this is just one of the BIG reasons Trumpcreated USSF and placed into Intelligence.

·The Deep State has super computers inUkraine, Poland, Germany and the EU. The recent Solar Event Red Sky disabled a large part of their DeepState Operations.

·As the RED SKY EVENTS happened several attacks were initiated by USSF+ X+STARLINK USING advanced weapons that cooked underground DUMBS IN SILOS HOUSINGSUPERCOMPUTERS QUANTUM. At the same time hundreds of NUKES WERE DISABLED, with5 G advanced mapping technology, plus powerful Military virus tracking all theDeep State computers the past 5 years that included STUXNET, ZEUS, VIRUS,Kranken 5 and more.

·Trump said the one year Celebration starts in2025. He gave the COMMSletting you know the powerful EVENTS we are going through in 2024 that WILLlead to full EXPOSURE and a MASSIVE COLLAPSE OF THE WORLD DEEP STATE.

I. Fri. 17 May 2024 Storm 1776 Exposure…Urgent Live Stream on Telegram Fri. 17 May2024

·GLOBALIST PANIC: RFK Jr. Drops Bombshell—COVID-19 Virus WasMan-Made! RFK Jr. has declared that the COVID-19 virus was deliberatelycreated!

·Panic ensues as major Hollywood actorsprepare to expose the darkunderbelly of the Hollywood pedophilia network. Our previous predictions havecome to fruition, as Mark Wahlberg boldly steps forward to confront Hollywood'spedophilia horrors, seeking protection from the impending storm.

·The CIA and Hollywood are on the edge oftheir seats as the Epstein files draw closer to Congress, exposing the deep ties between Hollywood'spedophilia, the satanic child sex trade, and the Biden laptop revelations, soonto be etched into the annals of Congressional records.

·HOLLYWOOD in Crisis: The Intensifying Exposure of UnthinkableCrimes! The globalist stronghold is in disarray as the cables reveal that theCIA has issued a dire warning to Hollywood elites—Congress is meticulouslyplanning to launch an assault on the Epstein saga, human trafficking, and theexplosive Biden laptop scandal that will expose the dark underbelly ofHollywood's pedophilia and child sex trade.

·But beware of the false narrative circulatingin the CIA-controlled mainstream media—the claim of a Hollywood strike due to AI replacing actors in moviesand commercials without their consent. This is a smokescreen—a meticulouslyplanned false flag operation orchestrated by the CIA to divert attention fromthe real truth.

·The Truth Unveiled: Hollywood Actors Caught in PedophiliaVideos! Pay attention as the real truth emerges—the Hollywood actors are caughtin the very pedophilia videos that reside within the Epstein files, HillaryClinton's laptop, Podesta's computers, Hunter Biden's laptop, Weiner's laptop,and the vast servers containing irrefutable evidence.

·The late Ted Gunderson, former head of theFBI in Los Angeles, bravely exposed the pedophilia rings, satanic rituals,child sacrifices, and sex trafficking operations connected to the dark operations of the CIA and thegovernment.

·Now, military, Congress, and White Hats holdthese damning videos and evidence, waiting for the opportune moment to reveal the story of the century—anintricate web of deep state blackmail operations, encompassing Hollywood'sdarkest secrets and even a military coup against Trump.

·Hollywood in Turmoil: Panic Sweeps the Elite as Revelation Looms! Majorpanic engulfs Hollywood as the eight-year operation draws closer to itsclimax—celebrities are in a frenzy. The CIA, Mockingbird, and the Epstein sagacollide in a perfect storm of terror, exposing the hidden secrets of theentertainment industry.

·Brace yourselves for the unraveling of theunthinkable—an exposé that will shake the foundations of the Deep Stateoperations, unveiling theirheinous crimes, including the insidious pedophilia rings. The world holds itsbreath as NCSWIC—the storm is approaching, and truth will prevail!

J. Fri. 17 May 2024 Storm 1776 Exposure…The Covid Truth on Telegram Fri. 17 May 2024

·ALERT ALERT ALERT JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon (and the Cabal) arenow under "White Hat" Military jurisdiction for crimes againsthumanity.

·JPMorgan bank funded Epstein Island, the paper trail will come out via MilitaryTribunals: the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Jamie Dimon's connection to theCabal, CIA, Mossad, Epstein, Deep State System.This is why Jamie Dimon“flipped” for Trump.

·The Cabal (via Jamie Dimon) is allowing Trumpback into the W.H. and Joe Biden out. The "leftist" like Alex Soros are now pushing Biden to aborder crisis civil war in which the Federalist states are playing into theBiden regimes hands to collapse the fiat currency system, because bothpolitical parties are implicated in child pedophilia via Epstein Island.

·A currency reset (to gold) via border crisiscivil war people. The Cabalis coordinating a “border crisis” civil war to bring down the fiat systemrather than face military tribunals. This is the CIA’s “Black Swan” It's aboutto get ugly.

K. Fri. 17 May 2024 Storm 1776 Exposure…Trump Exclusive on Telegram Fri. 17 May 2024:

·Unveiling the Truth: Whythe US Holds the Key to World Freedom! Discover the shocking secrets behindDARPA/CIA, Rockefellers/Rothchilds, and DAVOS+ operations! Brace yourself as wedelve into the labyrinth of corruption and cabal power.

·The United States, birthed from Europe, hasbeen entangled in the deceitful web of KAZARIAN money and stolen Jewishidentity. Join us on a journeythrough the creation of US financial institutions, fueled by the nefariouscollaborations of Rockefellers, Rothchilds, and JP Morgan. Their controlreaches far and wide, encompassing the military-industrial complex, DARPA, CIA,world banks, and the deep state cabal networks.

·Prepare to be astounded as we uncover theCIA's staggering overthrow of over 70 countries, installing puppet regimes andCentral Banking Systems loyal to the Globalist Cabal. The European people, trapped under theoppressive thumb of the deep state, are powerless to challenge the maliciousoperations originating from the US.

·Can you fathom a world plagued bytotalitarianism and military dominance, enforced by the elites? Most nations lack the firepower to combatDeep State Military aggression, leaving the citizens of the United States asthe last stronghold against the CABAL's grip. With an astonishing 120%guns-to-people ratio, these armed Americans possess the ability to defy tyrannicalUN, CIA, DAVOS, and Globalist plans that seek to enslave humanity, perpetuatingendless wars, depopulation agendas, and mind control operations throughorchestrated chaos.

·The time has come for the corruption withinthe United States, the epicenter of the CABAL and Deep State US institutions,to be exposed and dismantled. Brace yourself for the monumental domino effect that will reverberatethroughout the European Union, UN, NATO, and other major countries.

·As the United States valiantly stands up tosafeguard their freedom,the ripple of their unwavering courage resonates across the oceans, inspiringEuropeans to defy their own corrupted cabal-deep state systems. United westand, determined to dismantle the globalist operations that oppress societiesworldwide.

·Embrace the Revolution of 2024, where a united world rises against the deepstate infrastructure. In the shadows, a guiding light of divine purpose leadsmilitary alliances to activate society, as we fight for the precious gift of freedombestowed upon us by a higher power.

·Prepare for a gripping tale of globalemancipation where the common people emerge as heroes, with the military intervening only at theirbehest. History unfolds with overt operations, unveiling a carefully orchestratedplan that dismantles the globalist elite. Trust in the unseen forces at work. QTOLD YOU.

·Yet, we must be ready to confront the darkchapters of imminent world collapse, martial laws, and the verge of Civil War Events. Rise up and join the revolution that willreshape our countries and mark the turning point in our shared destiny. Thetime is now.

L. Fri. 17 May 2024 Storm 1776 Exposure DavidWilco*ck:

·While we have NO doubt as to who WON the 2020election, it is helpful tounderstand the motives for the “twists & turns” this saga has taken. Trumpand his close associates “have it all” as they watched the election nightreturns from the “SCIF” in the Eisenhower Bldg.

·What immediately ensued was the raid on theCIA server farm in Frankfort, Germany, whereGina Haspel was captured, taken to GITMO, never to be seen again.

·Mike Pompeo made his famous speech at the Press Conference on November 10,based on the military knowing the TRUE winner.

·Trump suspended the Constitution…under GOG & COOP, using the Law of WarManual, implementing Devolution. The “chess match” strategy begins to play outfrom that point.

·Lindell brings out his “P Caps” in this podcast, actually becoming theultimate “STING” to catch ALL of the DS Cabal players, both RHINOs & theDEMON-RATS…in order to “Drain the Swamp” at all levels & for the ENTIREGLOBAL WORLD.

·We are familiar with the events that playedout during Jan, 2021 and the3 months that followed, including the military unanimous vote of Trump as CICon March 11.

·Phil’s P Caps was done back in August, 2021, but could remain valid as though it couldbe happening right now. Easter & April 1 could be the start of a LOT.

·Like I said, b/c Trump & his close teamthat were in the SCIF in the Eisenhower Bldg that night HAD ALL the damningPROOF at the time ofFraud, they had to implement the IRON-CLAD plan to allow every DS player, atALL levels to commit Treason at that time, or in the ensuing period up to now!!AND…they DID! This allows him to take outthe ENTIRE GLOBAL SWAMP via GITMO…execution/Death.

·In November, 2020, the plan was “hatched” b/c they HAD IT ALL!

·Pompeo made his CRITICAL speech on Nov 10, and all the others that I mentioned inpodcasts played their roles perfectly. The DNI head, John Ratcliff, who delayedhis 45-day report on election interference, giving the bad guys the illusionthat they were still in control. That’s why they all committed TREASON on Jan6!!

·Very clever, and INGENIOUS, not giving rise to anyone accusing Trump ofusing his CIC position to direct the military and intercede on his behalf. Norusing the corrupt SC.

·ALL is done by invoking the law & theConstitution.

·Bottom line is this…we are relying on themilitary to continue to round up ALL treasonous politicians, election officials, governors, AGs…down tostate, regional, municipal, school boards, and medical community that violatedEOs 13818, 13848, and others.

·This strategy will also take out the Dominionvoting machines, andclear the path for all future elections to be done on the Blockchain.

·The podcast goes into how & which states may take the lead in how this FRAUD unfolds,introducing the 12th Amendment.

·This approach provides for the LEGAL removal of all corrupt politicians, and theestablishment of a new government.

·I believe this also brings in the removal ofthe FED, transformation ofthe banking system, the QFS, & introduction of NESARA.

·Take the time to follow his podcast that occurred on his TG channel & Rumbleon March 16, this past week.

·I TRULY believe this will help you tounderstand & interpret the various Narratives in this saga. Easter is around the corner, and I believewe could easily see the return of TRUMP before the questionable November, 2024elections. I am HIGHLY ENCOURAGED.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 18, 2024 (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.